Jinggong Technology held the 5th Staff Technical Competition
source:Jinggong Science and Technology      Release time:2013/12/16


The 5th Jinggong Technology Staff Technical Competition, after four days of intense competition, successfully concluded on November 30, 2013. 


A total of more than 400 employees from nine major types of machinery including mechanical design, quality inspection, fitter, electrician, electric welder, painter and gold processing participated in the competition. This technical competition was held from the training review to the end of the competition for nearly two months. In order to strengthen the training of employees' technical theory in the post technical competition activities, the company has set up a centralized training plan for the corresponding types of work based on the training materials and review questions for the employees, and hired internal and external lecturers to conduct intensive lectures. Training, guiding employees to actively learn theoretical knowledge, improve the theoretical level, in order to achieve a double harvest of theoretical knowledge and skills of employees. 


After fierce competition, 28 employees stood out and won the technical prize, 9 were awarded the company's "senior technician", 19 people were awarded the company "technician" title, and commended and rewarded.


Since the first employee technical competition in 2009, the company has held a technical competition for employees every year. This year is the fifth. The competition always adheres to the working principle of “combining the training of technical training with all employees and combining production and management” and “combining the theory of learning with the training of intensive skills”, continuously improving the overall quality of employees, and has produced a large number of positive and progressive technologies through competition. Exquisite manipulative skills, at the same time, also stimulate the enthusiasm of the majority of employees to learn technology, skills, and drilling business.

Staff technical competition activities are a comprehensive, long-term, systematic basis. Through the development of technical competition activities, the company has built a stage for employees to show their talents and break through themselves, and created a good atmosphere for employees to learn technology, practice skills and improve their quality. It has created a solid theoretical and practical skills for the company. Skilled and highly qualified workforces reserve more and more useful professional and skilled talents for the long-term development of the company.